
protease inhibitors中文是什么意思

  • 蛋白分解抑制剂
  • 蛋白酶抑制素



  • 例句与用法
  • Many plant-borne protease inhibitors are small proteins with molecular weight under 20, 000 daltons .
  • Many plant - borne protease inhibitors are small proteins with molecular weight under 20 , 000 daltons
    许多植物性蛋白酶抑制剂的分子量都在20 , 000道尔顿以下。
  • Protease inhibitors have proved very effective for treating other disorders such as aids and hypertension
  • Ritonavir - boosted double ? protease inhibitor ( pi ) ? only regimens are such an option but are prone to pharmacokinetic interactions
    单独的利托那韦用量增加的双蛋白酶抑制剂( pi )疗法正是其中之一,但在药代动力学上两者易于产生相互作用。
  • For both studies , the down - regulation disappears in the presence of protease inhibitors , implying enhancement of the proteolysis pathway is involved in the action of both atherogens
  • In addition to ribavirin we should use , we now have another drug called kaletra which is a protease inhibitor . so we re giving them either singly or in a combination to tackle the viral replication
    如果病人接受了我们给予的所有的药是三氮唑核? ,类固醇等,他们多数都会退烧,腹泻也会好转,氧气好转,也就没有那么气促了。
  • The drug in question is saquinavir , one of a class known as protease inhibitors , which revolutionised the treatment of aids when they were introduced in 1996
  • The breakthrough has started a race against time to develop a protease inhibitor - - a treatment that could block enzymes from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and keep it from strengthening and infecting other cells in the human body
  • Because there are few gaps between the cells , the protease inhibitors must be able to pass through the cell membranes to reach the brain tissues beyond , and most large molecules cannot breach this so - called blood - brain barrier
  • The breakthrough has started a race against time to develop a protease inhibitor a treatment that could block enzymes from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and keep it from strengthening and infecting other cells in the human body
    在我们前一次讲解中碰到是意思是军事突破,本文中它的意思是突破性的发现,成就,如化抑制剂,抑制者。 protease inhibitor :蛋白酶抑制剂。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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